Friday 10 October 2008

Learn Forex Trading with SigmaForex

Gone are the days, when people with small bundles of notes surely would draw your attention at the airports/ international bus terminus/ important office areas, who are ready to exchange your currency to your desired foreign exchange at a commission. The literacy, the spread, the entrants of various professionals, automated software, revolutionary online forex trading companies have been able to put a control over the entire unorganized sector to pave the way for complete professionalism and to offer a much more convenient and systematic way of Forex trading.

At the inception phase, people, mainly the large corporations used to perform their Forex trading through various banks or major financial institutes, who used to operate at the international level. The overwhelming popularity of Forex of today's modern world due to the liberalization and global economic polices is empowered by the telecom boom, the immense reach of Internet and the unimaginable advantage of advanced technology. The instantaneous effect and up-to-date news provided by the Online Forex Software exchange trading platform in the regime of online Forex, have given you the classical opportunity of taking decisions and immediate implementation. Online Forex trading has been standardized over the years after the initial teething problems, and today's Forex participants get an almost secured access through various online Forex trading companies, which is free from all encumbrances. The technology, its application in case of online Forex has been drastically improved with the increasing awareness of people at large. The success lies in bringing a wider gamut of people into Forex trading platform and in turn the entire Forex Software exchange trading platform has become commercially viable.

If we want to look into the current Foreign Exchange market, we can find a reasonable number of stakeholders beyond the predominated traditional Multi National Companies or MNCs, banks, brokers and the final impetus has given by the wide acceptance of a large number of commoners, who get engaged in Forex trading due to various reasons including even as a mere hobby. The latest encryption methodologies and plenty of guide and trend analysis will make you secured and comfortable even if you are a first timer dabbling into online Forex trading.

The concept of margin trading, implying the traded on margin, saves you for a huge amount of deposit in the Forex. The margin deposit varies between banks and it is always in percentile terms of the original amount, which the bank allows you to play. A simple example will show you the actual potential. Suppose a bank has kept the margin deposit as 2%, which implies that you need to deposit only $20000 USD to trade two million dollars and also you may gear up your profit by 200%. As the coin has got two sides, the 2% margin deposit in Forex may also take you to the road of losses by 200%. The rule remains same, when the offline Forex trading changes it face to online Forex trading.

SigmaForex Forecast And Win An Account

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Through Sigma indicators you can forecast the upcoming prices of the pairs & get a chance to win a $ 50 live Sigma account.

For participation please select the pair that you are predicting for it, then fill in the following form & don't foreget to write down your

forecasted price.

Sigma Forex encourage the clients to study and analyze Forex Market by giving them more promotion and more chances to begin trading at

Forex Market.

* First: Choose one pair from the platform.

* Second: Try to use Technical And Fundamental Analysis to predict Friday's closing price for this pair.

* Third: Write down in an email the following data:

1) Your Telephone Number

2) Your First and Last Name

3) The Choosen Pair

4) The Predicted Price

5) Your E-mail Address

* Fourth: Send this emails at If at any time you need assistance please click on the Live Chat button on the right menu and one of our customer support staff will help you through the process.

SigmaForex The Forex Market and Understanding Foreign Exchange Rates

Unlike the stock exchange, the Forex Market (foreign exchange market) is a relatively new player to the investment world. Today's current Forex market model started in the early 1970's, and today it represents the biggest financial market around, even surpassing the stock market. With trading surpassing $2 trillion dollars per day, the Forex market attracts more and more investors all the time. Before an investor starts trading on the Forex market, he should grasp the fundamentals of how exchange rates work.

Exchange rates

Basically, the exchange rate represents the rate of exchange between two currencies. Most currencies are traded, or paired up against the dollar. The five most common currencies traded on the market are the dollar (USD), euro (EUR), the yen (JPY), the British pound (GBP), and the Swiss franc (CHF). Some other currencies that are traded are the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Hong Kong dollar.

In the exchange rate or ratio, the numerator represents the quote currency and the denominator the base currency, which always equals one.

Let's say that an investor wants to exchange euros for dollars. In this case, the euro currency is the quote currency, or how much currency you have to exchange. The base currency is the dollar. The investor researches the current exchange rate (euros converted into dollars) either on the Internet, through the bank, broker, etc., and then multiplies that amount by the number of euros to exchange. Let's say that the exchange rate is 1.57959. That means that 1.57959 euros must be paid to receive one dollar. If he has 1000 euros to exchange, then he can receive $1,579.59 (1000 x 1.57959).

On the flip side, the exchange rate can also tell the investor how much he'll receive if he converts dollars back into euros. If he has $1000, he can either divide that amount by the same euro to dollar exchange rate ($1000/1.57959 = 633.07 euros), or look up the conversation rate for dollars to euros on the Internet, etc. (i.e. .633072) and multiply it by the amount of dollars to exchange ($1000 x .633072 = 633.07 euros).

Once the exchange rate concept is understood, the investor can feel more confident in investing in the Forex market.

Sigma Services

As a professional online trading service Sigma strives to give an eminent beyond comparison of professional and individualized trading services, Sigma also provides several facilities for all kinds of traders.

Sigma helps private and institutional clients achieve their trading goals by offering an inclusive forex trading package, along with the state-of-art trading platform, real-time news and wireless access. We relegate to meeting and exceeding our customers' expectations with the utmost professionalism and integrity.

Sigma provides appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partners’ specified requirements. A client's profit is our success and a client's loss is a significant call of action for us, we consider every client as a special case and a partner.

Sigma's Customer Support is our business core, as we provide 24/7 customer support. We keep in touch with all our clients to make sure that we are on the right pass.